Visual Thinking Strategies are a method that allows visitors to become independent observers, activating their viewing skills: it leads them to observe, interpret the visual data, reflect and consider other interpretations.

VTS due to the prolonged observation, together with the confrontation and cooperation among the participants, allows to accomplish a complete fruition of the artwork. Participants interact with the artwork answering the questions, basis of their previous knowledge, experiences and what they have seen and know. Thus, it gives birth to a strong bond, both at the cognitive and the emotive level; it fosters the visual literacy, the awareness acquisition for the artwork value and the sense of belonging.

Furthermore the VTS method conforms to the ways our brains operate to understand the world around us; therefore it turned out to be an extremely useful too development of thinking and communication skills (such as problem solving, team working, listening and expressing oneself), together with the willingness to consider new points of view.
These behaviors can be internalized and applied in other contexts.